A happier lifestyle – Cosmetics-Sign

A happier lifestyle

Happier people have better mental and physical health, more meaningful relationships, and are more productive at work. But are we taught to live happier lives? We share 4 steps to help you live happier lives every day.

World lucky day: do you feel happy?
Happy lucky day! Today we serve as an excuse to remember what we sometimes forget or don't have in mind. Today is the day to ask ourselves questions like: Do I feel happy and do I live a happy life? What makes me happy? How could I live a happier life? I mean - is there anything more important than happiness? I would say yes, but we will make it.

These are very busy times that we live in. In fact, time seems to be our most valuable asset and perhaps the most difficult to manage. Not only because there are an infinite number of events, projects that we can take part in, play sports, learn things, visit places and enjoy different kinds of art, but also because there are distractions everywhere and the entertainment industry “steals” a lot from us Time.

How often do you think about whether you are satisfied with your life and have a happy life? Imagine asking people around you how they are feeling. How is it going? How is the work going? How are the children? Most of the time, would you say an enthusiastic "Everything is great!" and share what makes these people's lives happy, or would you get an "It's okay, it's okay" as if life was just passing by? And if I asked who is reading me right now, what would your answer be?

Happiness: an individual and unique path
happy happy day

Most education systems focus on teaching everyone the same thing and killing creativity, says Ken Robinson. They are (very) slowly adapting to a labor market that is no longer about human mechanization, as was the case during the industrial revolution. Instead, our economy today prefers those with diverse and rare skills capable of meeting the specific demands of the market.

The point is that schools generally don't push students to understand what they like to do, what they are really good at, what makes them happy, what the world needs - the famous Japanese ikigai. Nor are they keeping up with these modern times, where knowledge is just a Google search away and robots are coming to the market and we can't put their efficiency and speed at their expense. The first warning came when Garry Kasparov lost the first chess game to an IBM computer software in 1996 and today there seems to be no limit to what the technology can do.

Not only schools do not prepare students for a rapidly changing job market. This also includes absent parents who are employed. Because although the world is more affluent than ever, as Robert Reich says in his Netflix documentary, that wealth is incredibly unevenly distributed, as the latest Oxfam report shows, and adults do not have to work long for wages that are not as long. These parents then hardly have time to help their little ones to practice their strengths, to understand and overcome their limits and to turn their dreams into goals so that one day they can be more than just dreams. The same adults often struggle with jobs they do not like and cannot pursue their ambitions due to social pressures and a lack of orientation.

Does life just go by like this? How do you live a happier life?
How can i be happier? You might be wondering. After all, what is happiness? Depending on the culture we live in, people see and have different beliefs about happiness in different ways. For example, while Americans associate happiness with excitement, the Japanese tend to see it from the perspective of peace and serenity. But overall it is associated with a feeling of joy and contentment.

Today we share 4 ways you can improve your daily happiness and answer the question: How can I live a happier life?

Meditate, practice gratitude, and work on your positive thoughts
happy steps happiness

According to sources from the Global Happiness And Well-Being Report 2019, mindfulness exercises, counting kindnesses, expressing gratitude, or meditating are great ways to develop happiness.